Cap practice hairdresser should not miss in any hairdresser or any home where you want to penetrate the mysteries of hairstyling community. Whether you are a beginner and you do not have enough skill, whether you are already practitioner with many years of experience, but want to try something new and trendy, Online Cosmetics and hairdressing practice head gives you all the help you need!
Where can I buy a practice head hairdresser?
When your hands are still unsafe for beginners courses or when you want to practice a new haircut, a head hairdresser practice is all you can wish for.
Now enjoying lightness in motion, nobody complains that you cut too much, you painted too intense, the platinum blond too, like braiding is not like in the picture or not you hit the wedding knot. In addition, you have the quietest and good “client” does not complain, does it hurt if you pull it seem not say no “kitty”.
Where you can buy such a practice head hairdresser? From Cosmetics Online, of course, the store has everything he needs a respectable hairdresser.
Cap practice hairdresser, various models for practice done by the book
Cosmetics Online is the online store where you can buy with confidence head hairdresser practice , various models at good prices so that practitioners can practice your talent to and without you having to worry about “turning” a customer.
Thus, if you want to develop yourself in hairstyling, head of practice hairdresser is ideal for you. The hair that you practice is artificial and has a length of about 60 cm. Head circumference reaches 50 cm and its height is 23.5 cm.
Important is that this product even comes with a stand so as to be secured to the desk with ease, but does not have its own box and will have to seek a suitable box for storage free of dust.
Cap practice hairdresser is recommended to practice different types of haircuts and hairstyles. Even allows you to practice different types of impeltituri, simple or difficult, which is very popular lately.
Remember though that do not allow artificial hair straightening, blow-drying with hot set, and to the realization of corrugations with drot. Do you have a specific preference for hair color that you practice? You can choose blonde, dark blonde, brunette, red or brown.
You and option to opt for hairdressing practice head hair 100% natural, but it is certain that in this case we speak of a higher price than if artificial hair products. The difference will feel better, your practice is executed with great skill on natural hair. Now you can also use the card, you can dye and style your hair as you wish.
You need a metal tripod head for practice hairdresser? Cosmetics Online offers you 2 models resistant, supporting any type of head, foldable and easy to intrebuintat support.
If you want to enjoy quality, choose the head of practice hairdresser from Cosmetics Online. Need more information about the store and products Cosmetics Online ? For details and orders, call us at 0723-762.990 or send an e-mail to
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